
Education Task Force


Through this working group, SIVI addresses the development of a training plan based on the following premises.

  1. Orientation towards results, identifying the milestones to be reached, valuing and capitalizing on the expertise of associates and proposing a learning environment based on success cases.
  2. Identification of the value that this initiative contributes and making a plan based on this value.
  3. Co-designing with the participants, based on the evidence provided by the market in terms of training needs.


  1. Identify the training needs of the SIVI environment and its associates in order to fulfill them.
  2. Design a specific and quality training offer that meets the needs and expectations of the applicants.
  3. Publicize the actions undertaken by the partners, look for common areas in which to develop the knowledge for the staff and generate alliances between the associates.
  4. Identify innovative concepts at a technological level, create commercial references jointly and design actions that allow greater internationalization.



  • Fundación Intras
  • Fundación General de la Univerdidad de Valladolid

Coordinating contact: Montse Fernández (


  • Aralia Servicios Sociosanitarios
  • Asprodes
  • Centro Tecnológico CARTIF
  • Cotesa – Enclave formación
  • Cruz Roja Española
  • Fundación de San Cebrián
  • Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid
  • Saluus
  • 1A Consultores

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